Understanding the End Time

There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the first coming of Jesus to the earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His first coming—but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies. Today we are living just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. We don’t have 100 prophecies; we have closer to 1,000 yet the scriptures tell us that most people will miss the Second Coming. Again, this will happen because people do not know the prophecies. This Understanding the End Time series was designed to explain the prophecies of the end time in easy-to-understand terms. After viewing Understanding the End Time no one should miss the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Target Audience(s): Everyone

Curriculum or Book (optional)Companion Workbook – Click Here to Order


  1. United States Discovered in the Bible
  2. New World Order is World Government
  3. Islam in Bible Prophecy
  4. World War 3
  5. Israel’s God-Given Destiny
  6. Israel God’s Prophetic TimeClock
  7. The Holy Roman Empire Reborn
  8. The Antichrist and the False Prophet
  9. 666 The Mark of the Beast
  10. The Coming One-World Religion Part 1
  11. The Coming One-World Religion Part 2
  12. The 7 Trumpets
  13. The Second Coming
  14. Kingdom of God
  15. Understanding the Godhead
  16. True vs False Christianity
  17. Born Again – Three Steps
  18. Receiving the Holy Ghost

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