Big Idea

Corporate worship provides an opportunity for people to respond to God’s self-revelation in Christ. He alone invites us to worship. As we worship, we encounter God and are transformed as a church family. We also become more like Jesus in our personal character. Saints consider what God wants from worship rather than their personal preferences or needs.

Application / Reflection

  • Write: Reflect on your response to one of the key passages from the lesson. How does the text reveal something about your current state as a disciple? How have you grown as a worshipper? How does the text call you to grow? What steps can you take?
  • Pray: Identify the next step you need to take in worship (hearing God’s invitation, listening to the Spirit and Word, or going in service). Pray for guidance and power of the Spirit to mature in this dimension over the coming weeks.
  • Share: Discuss a Sunday worship service from the last month. What are some ways the Spirit invited you to worship? How did you respond to truth delivered in song and Word? What are some ways the Sunday worship event called you to go and worship in service throughout the week?

By Derrick Weeks

Join us for Spirit-filled worship on Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 6:00 PM. Learn more about service times, locations, and language options by clicking here. You may also join us LIVE by clicking here.