Week of Events
Christmas Toy and Coat Drive
Join North Cities Open Hands and the Community Service group as we collect new unwrapped toys and new and gently used coats. Coats and toys can be for all ages! You may also scan the QR code in the graphic to donate! There will be a table set up before and after each service where […]
Keys to Spiritual Growth
Keys to Spiritual Growth
In Peter's letter "to those who have obtained like precious faith" he gave two promises that are sure to impact one's life if fully comprehended. According to Peter, you and I can be "partakers of the divine nature" and "never fall" (II Peter 1:1-10). In Keys to Spiritual Growth, Irvin Baxter clearly explains these promises […]
VOICES: Starting with Eve
VOICES: Starting with Eve
Begin your workday with a 25-minute Bible study for adults. Take a look at not only the popular women but also, the obscure ones in the Old Testament to lightly examine their lives. Using scripture only, dive deeper into the Word. Glean aspects of these women which allow them to come to life for today's […]
Bible Quizzing (JR)
Bible Quizzing (JR)
Members of this connect group memorize verses and compete in competition throughout the year with other churches. Our meetings involve study, practice for competition, fellowship, and Bible study. This year, we will be studying the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Parents must be available to be at these meetings with their children. Please […]
Pre-Service Group Prayer
Pre-Service Group Prayer
This group will gather for a time of collective prayer an hour before worship services. Target Audience(s): Everyone Join this group! Complete the form below.
Service | 7:30 PM
Service | 7:30 PM
Experience the power of Spirit-filled worship at North Cities. We are passionate about our worship, and express our thanks and praise to God through singing, dancing, clapping, shouting and the playing of instruments. We invite you to join with us as we worship in spirit and in truth, making His praise glorious! Age-specific lessons and […]
Service | Spanish
Service | Spanish
North Cities Español Experience the power of Spirit-filled worship at North Cities. We are passionate about our worship, and express our thanks and praise to God through singing, dancing, clapping, shouting and the playing of instruments. We invite you to join with us as we worship in spirit and in truth, making His praise glorious!
VOICES: Starting with Eve
VOICES: Starting with Eve
Begin your workday with a 25-minute Bible study for adults. Take a look at not only the popular women but also, the obscure ones in the Old Testament to lightly examine their lives. Using scripture only, dive deeper into the Word. Glean aspects of these women which allow them to come to life for today's […]
Open Hands: Food for the Hungry
Open Hands: Food for the Hungry
This Connect Group has teamed up with a food pantry in Rockwall to provide food for those in need. We will pick up and deliver food at least twice per month while developing a friendship with others. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to join the team or if you have a […]
VOICES: Starting with Eve
VOICES: Starting with Eve
Begin your workday with a 25-minute Bible study for adults. Take a look at not only the popular women but also, the obscure ones in the Old Testament to lightly examine their lives. Using scripture only, dive deeper into the Word. Glean aspects of these women which allow them to come to life for today's […]
Jail Ministry – Collin County
Jail Ministry – Collin County
Women seeking to impact women in need. We will endeavor to visit one jail every other week as scheduling with the jails allows. Paperwork, including a background check, will need to be filled out in order to be able to visit the jails. You will need to sign up to make sure you have the […]
Date Night
Date Night
Date Night - Christmas Edition We feed, supervise and spiritually grow your children whille their parents get some much needed date recharge time. Geared to celebrate marriage bonding but ALL parents welcome. The children will be taught a Bible lesson and have worship services. The parents will be given the opportunity to spend time building […]
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
This Connect Group is an informal time of fellowship to make connections. Join us and receive support and encouragement from other men in the North Cities area. Target Audience: Males Join this group! Complete the form below.
Woodworkers Connect
Woodworkers Connect
Woodworkers creating wood projects meet together to share skills and passion for creating in the workshop at North Cities. Join us to share skills, Tools, and materials as we make individual and group creations with various woods. No prior skills or tools are required. Location: Maintenance building Target Audience: Men and women passionate about the […]