Big Idea

The church commits herself to the things that truly matter. The core truths that guide the church are loving God with everything and loving neighbors as themselves. Everything directly relates to these two commands.

Application / Reflection

  • Write: Reflect on challenges you face in loving others in Jesus’ name. Specifically identify two or three barriers that slow or block you in “Good Samaritan-like” loving. Prayerfully consider concrete actions you can take to team-up with a fellow disciple and overcome one of these barriers.
  • Pray: Begin with giving thanks for all of the ways you have experienced God’s love. Be specific. Pray for greater awareness for opportunities to love God by loving your neighbors. Pray for guidance in specific acts of love that go beyond feelings of love. Spend some time listening to the Spirit expose and heal negative emotions toward those who have harmed you. Pray for blessings in their lives and ways you can show gracious love to them.
  • Share: Discuss a time when you felt deeply loved by someone who was not a family member. How did you respond to that love? Explore ways individuals, families, and church groups can love neighbors as an act of loving God.

By Misty Michael

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