Big Idea

The church provides the community where we grow to be more like Christ. Becoming more like Him goes beyond conversion to thinking, feeling, and acting out the call to be missionaries in our world.

Application / Reflection

  • Write: Reflect on ways spiritual formation changes all areas of your life. For example, how does praying and serving like Christ change your thoughts, attitudes, and actions? How does the Lord want to make you more like Him in this season of your life?
  • Pray: Focus on the kingdom coming to pass in your personal, work, and ministry life. Pray for wisdom and grace to a) identify an area of spiritual growth you need to take, b) determine steps you can take to mature in this area, and c) remain open to encouragement and guidance from others to be more like Christ.
  • Share: Discuss ways your church family has helped you grow in the Spirit. How did being around other disciples help you learn of areas where you needed spiritual growth? How did others assist you in your spiritual growth? How could you use assistance in your current Fruit of the Spiritgrowth point?

By Greg & Krista Peters

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