Graciously Gifted for Service

Big Idea

Jesus sent His church on the seemingly impossible mission to make disciples in all the earth. He did not, however, send them alone. He gifted them with the power of His Spirit. The mission became possible as the church became the Temple—the place where God’s Spirit graciously intersected with a hurting world.

Application / Reflection

  • Write: Reflect on the difference between seeing the Holy Spirit simply as a step in the New Birth process and seeing the Holy Spirit as the abiding presence of God equipping disciples for service. How does this clarification help guide you in your daily life as you seek to live as a gifted disciple?
  • Pray: Confess an awareness that you are a gifted disciple serving with other gifted disciples. Give thanks for the gracious gifts in your life. Pray for wisdom’s direction to grow in your specific gifts as well as the general gifts that the Lord has given you.
  • Share: Discuss how our conversations reflect either the ways of self-centered flesh or the grace of the Spirit. Identify places where the old nature can be seen both in personal, as well as digital, communication. Explore ways your communication can better reflect the life of the Holy Spirit that is in you.

By Irvin Baxter

Join us for Spirit-filled worship on Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 6:00 PM. Learn more about service times, locations, and language options by clicking here. You may also join us LIVE by clicking here.